
Who We are

We Will Provide You Precision Components With reasonable price with Out Compromising Quality And Schedule”

AeroInTech is an industry specialized to focused on aerospace, deffence, locomotive, medical and manufacturing precision components for different applications. Our machining capabilities lies in manufacturing of seals and gaskets using materials like teflon, PTFE, Nylon etc. The machining of these components are the one of the most challengeable one and we are in a confidence to provide these items with good accuracy.

AeroInTech continually used its engineering skills, and technological understanding to build relationships of trust, and processes that reduced the paperwork that was endemic in the construction industry. AeroInTech was a leader in digital records management, using Cloud storage rather than mailing drawings back and forth, going offshore to find the engineering and detailing capacity required to support a growing business, and more.

The plant has the capability to produce steels according to all major international quality standards and to date has manufactured more than 300 steel grades.

    We have special experience in precision machining,forming & welding.

    We will provide service for

    • Precision components machining
    • Sheet metal fabrication & forming
    • Welded structures
    • Reverse engineering
    • Pre engineering activities